
Gender roles have taken a tumble throughout the West via the past century's spin cycle of change. Despite being paid only three-quarters of a male's pay (in the United States), females have moved vigorously into the working realm. Advertisements even show this. Recently one could stumble upon a Cadillac commercial where a, obviously yuppie, woman is driving. She lists her favorite things; curiously most of which consist of gendered consumer goods like expensive Italian shoes. Her last favorite thing (like the song presumably) is along the lines of becoming equal to a man. She lists this as she pulls up to another Cadillac with two men sitting inside as they look over at their gendered competition. It may be important to note here that the car holding male sway has two passengers and that of the female holds one, the subtext seemingly appears as the woman's advancement yet still outnumbered quantitatively.

Women work, this has become a fact. Some nations allow them to act as head of state. They're even admitted to accredited universities now! And not just Wesleyan. With the woman become more familiar to the more traditional roles of manhood, the question is begged. What will separate man from woman besides genitalia? Dodging the pigeonhole of misogyny, one must notice the growing shift from the idealized housebound female and the worldly advancing work oriented male.

Human relationships are grossly effected by this shift. Setting aside economic considerations, both parents tend to work in the average household. However enticing exploring the nuclear family would be, sexual relationships seem more interesting. A woman's former association with helplessness/hysteria/Hellman's has given way to one of assertion. Women seem unlikely to attach just to one man anymore, looking to play the field. They have sex earlier. Are more social. Advance in life more. On paper men and women are looking more alike.

The key to this puzzle is the warm embrace of gender roles; at least through dress. In an age of comfort and mass production the T-Shirt has come to fruition. More iconic is the American blue jean. Jeans and T-Shirts go hand and hand with gender androgyny. This dressing down of society is indicative of relaxed gender based norms. To avoid of future of nylon jumpsuits, the West should look to fashion to create a more gendered and aesthetically pleasing world. The male blazer should come back. Shoes which are not the color of Antarctica should be embraced. Neck wear should be lauded. Women should wear skirts. Lovely blouses. A shift away from the nearly androgynous nature of popular fashions must happen for our society to retain the aesthetically pleasing nature of the other respective gender.

Boys and girls wear the same outfits; they are just cut differently.

Albeit a lack of formality in dress, we are beginning to erode gender differences and overall civility through dress.
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